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 It's easy.

What You Can do Before Severe Weather Strikes

1. Develop a disaster plan for you and your family at home, work, school, and when outdoors. The American Red Cross offers planning tips and information on a putting together a disaster supplies kit at:

2. Identify a safe place to take shelter. Information on how to build a Safe Room in your home or school is available from the Federal Emergency Management Agency at:

3. Know the county/parish in which you live or visit – and in what part of that county you are located. The National Weather Service issues severe weather warnings on a county/parish basis, or for a portion of a county/parish.

4. Keep a highway map nearby to follow storm movement from weather bulletins.

5. Have a NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards receiver unit with a warning alarm tone and battery back-up to receive warning bulletins.

6. National Weather Service (NWS) watches and warnings are also available on the Internet. Select your local NWS office at: …or go to the to the NWS Home Page at

7. Listen to commercial radio or television/cable TV for weather information.

8. Check the weather forecast before leaving for extended periods outdoors. Watch for signs of approaching storms.

9. If severe weather threatens, check on people who are elderly, very young, or physically or mentally disabled. Don’t forget about pets and farm animals.


The Mission of the Vinton County Emergency Management Agency is to protect the people, property, and environment of Vinton County from all hazards through mitigation, protection, preparedness, response, and recovery. 


Affiliations and Partners:
The Vinton County Emergency Management Agency works closely with local fire departments, EMS, law enforcement, and county offices, as well as the LEPC, Ohio EMA, American Red Cross of Southeastern Ohio, and many other organizations committed to the preparation, response, and recovery from all hazards in Vinton County and surrounding areas.


The following are the meeting dates for the following organizations.


The Vinton County Local Emergency Planning Committee

1st quarter -January 7, 2025

2nd quarter -April 10, 2025

3rd quarter -July 10, 2025

4th quarter -October 9, 2025

*All meetings start at 12 noon

The Vinton County Emergency Management Agency Executive Committee

1st quarter -January 6, 2025

2nd quarter - April 7, 2025

3rd quarter - July 7, 2025

4th quarter - October 6, 2025

*All meetings start at 6:00 PM


Current announcements from the EMA


                                         Siren Test : Test occur on the last Monday of each month at 12 noon. 

Mitigation Plan Update

The Vinton County Emergency Management Agency is currently looking at updating the Vinton County Mitigation Plan. We would like to have your input into this process by offering the ability to place information into the upcoming plan. If you would like to have input inton this plan please read over the 2016 plan then eithier email what you would like to see changed or you can send me your thoughts on changes at Vinton County EMA 106 S.Market Street McArthur, 




Call us:


Visit us: 

31835 State Route 93 McArthur, OH 45651

M-F 8:30 - 4:00, By Appointment

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